Opening argument by prosecutor Gina Parlovecchio

Opening Arguments by Gina Parlovecchio

This is a challenging Simultaneous Interpretation exercise. The speed of the audio is between 150 and 155 words per minute, and the audio is 9 minutes long.

For this exercise, feel free to refer to the list of translated terms (you can find the PowerPoint below). You may want to repeat this exercise a second time, without looking at the lists of terms.

Take note of any unfamiliar terms and we can discuss these, once we regroup on Zoom.

The following PowerPoint will go over some of the challenging terms, phrases, and proper names used in the simultaneous interpretation exercise. You can write the translation of the terms in the materials you received or downloaded.

Avoid looking at the script until after you've interpreted the exercise, if you wish to do so.

Script. Track - 1. Opening Arguments. Gina Parloveccio.pdf
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