Direct Examination by Prosecutor Robotti of Melissa Corradetti

Audio. Direct Examination by Prosecutor Robotti of Melissa Corradetti, forensic examiner in the Cryptanalysis and Racketeering Records Unit at FBI Laboratory in Quantico, Virginia.

This witness testifies to the steps taken by this agent to determine if the business they are analyzing is legitimate or illicit.

The following short video goes over some of the challenging terminology and proper names used in the video. Watch the video and annotate the translations in the lists provided.

Simultaneously interpret the following video. You can refer to the list of translated terms, phrases, and proper names the first time you interpret the exercise. Turn the list over to interpret a second time.

Please let videos end on their own, to allow the platform to register the completion of the exercise.

Script. Track - 8. Corradetti - Robotti.pdf
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